Iran Trade Fair Designs Your Booth Customized to your Interests, Standards & Objectives

Booth Design for the 24th Iran/Tehran International Home Appliances - HAMEX 2024

Booth Construction & Design

The construction and design of your selected booth space in the Iran Home Appliances – HAMEX Exhibition are so important. The booth should be constructed and designed based on your business specifications and in harmony with your brands. The colors and decorations should attract visitors to your booth; same time the design of your booth should introduce your business as well as your flags! Iran Trade Fair provides you with customized booth construction and designs right tailored to your specifications!

Green Light Group exhibit 300x252 - Booth Design
The parkville 0002 300x287 - Booth Design
Building Construction Rental Booth Skyline 10x10 1 300x270 - Booth Design

Steps to Construct & Design Your Booth

  • 1.  Filling the Booth Design Tailor-made Form First of all, you will share a tailor-made booth construction and design form with us, guiding us on your interests, standards, and customizations you have in mind for the selected booth
  • 2.  3D Design Examination After holding online meetings with your exhibition team and identifying the interests of your business, we start the 3D designing and keep you updated about our plans and the final sketch.
  • 3.  Final Plan Examination After we designed our suggested sketch for your booth, your exhibition team will review the plan and make the necessary corrections. Finally, we will apply the corrections based on your team’s comments so that we get to the final joint result.
  • 4.  Signing Contract After the announcement of the price and final agreements on the details of the booth, we will sign a contract with your party so that we enter the implementation phase.
  • 5.  Implementation Plan Examination After the final approval of the project you and the team will design the implementation plan with details after which you can accurately see, check, and predict the view of the designed and constructed booth.
  • 6.  Implementation Phase Finally, the technical team starts producing your structures in its workshop and after opening the door of the exhibition hall, it starts assembling the booth and goes through all the stages of flooring, installation, painting, and lighting one by one.
  • 7.  Booth Decoration At the final stage, we will clean, arrange furniture, install advertising pictures and, if possible, arrange your products.

Important Notes Before Reservation

  • Costs and expenses of our cooperation with your company regarding the booth construction and design, shall be settled once you sign the contract.